I digitally animated, using Maya, a grandmaster game which is based on a chess match between Kasparov and Topalov and to this day is called “Kasparov’s Immortal Chess Match.” The animation consisted of 6,100 frames. The rendering took three weeks and two days, running 24 hours a day.
Only some 4,300 frames were incorporated into the animation. For dramatic effect, I ended the animation leaving the viewer at a cliffhanger – not quite knowing how the match would end. I chose the soundtrack from Star Wars to accompany the animation.
For the installation, I 3-D printed the chess pieces in black and white out of PLA and designed and laser cut the chessboard out of acrylic. I constructed a wire “shelving” structure to suspend the chess set in mid-air. I used augmented reality to bridge the gap between the physical and digital reality. During that time Junaio was a popular platform to create augmented reality installations which worked on iOS and Android. When you installed Junaio on your smart device the viewer could scan the digital barcode and then point the smart device to the photograph of the starting position of the match. Then the animation would play with the digital models in front of the animation. The Clash of the Titans was exhibited at the Senior Show, “Things Have Changed Between Us,” Bennington College, 2014.